The port on Buenaventura Bay is a pivotal hub for container, bulk, and general cargo, facilitating trade on major sea routes. It’s tailored for Super Post-Panamax vessels, boasting the country’s largest STS container cranes. SBI and ConConcreto’s joint venture secured a Design and Build contract for two projects: a 600-meter quay and 165-meter jetty for the Container Terminal, and a 250-meter quay and 200-meter jetty for the Coal Terminal.
The container terminal wharf spans 600 meters in length and 45.6 meters in width, with a 165-meter-long and 14.4-meter-wide access trestle. The bulk and cargo terminal wharf measures 250 meters in length, featuring a 165-meter-long access trestle. Its deck comprises precast concrete beams and slabs with in-situ casted concrete topping, integrating rails for STS cranes and coal ship loaders. To optimize construction conditions, SBI conducted simultaneous piling and concrete civil works, utilized platforms atop piles during tidal cycles, executed most tasks from the sea via a temporary wharf, and employed a mobile concrete plant on a barge. Additionally, 9.5 hectares of land were reclaimed for roads and storage yards, necessitating the construction of 1,100 meters of retaining wall, soil stabilization, and mud seabed improvement. The quay structure, entirely precast, underwent meticulous control for construction tolerances, requiring precise coordination of the 1,579 pieces of this giant puzzle. A methodical approach, including detailed 3D modeling and pragmatic in-situ testing, ensured zero rework and record execution time.
The specifications of the project are summarized below:
- 722 no driven tubular piles with length up to 50 m
- 36,600 m3 concrete structure (24,900 m3 precast in a built-on purpose precast factory)
- 33,000 ml vertical drains
- 940,000 ml rigid inclusions
- 290,000 m3 earthworks for 95,000 m2 of reclamation
- 1,100 ml of retaining wall (sheet piles with anchors)
- Fenders, Bollard and rails for STS gantry crane
- Road and pavement work (95,000 m2), silos and conveyor belt foundations
- Yard drainage system
- Utility ducts and fencing
SBI, as the main contractor, conducted comprehensive geotechnical investigations during design development to optimize soil management and minimize imported fill for yard construction. This led to 85% of excavated material being reused through soil improvement techniques. Additionally, innovative value engineering with precast elements saved time and resources while enhancing safety conditions. Detailed scheduling and agile field teams, along with innovative solutions, facilitated the early delivery of marine structures and access roads, enabling terminal operations 5 months ahead of schedule. Truck traffic remained operational during yard construction, ensuring client satisfaction upon project completion.
Photo credits: Soletanche Bachy International